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5 Words Needed to Coach a Kid


Updated: Aug 17, 2023

“All kids need is a little help, a little hope, and someone who believes in them." Earvin "Magic" Johnson

If a coach is defined as “empowering someone to become all they’re meant to be” the people who often need coaching the most .... just might be kids.

That's right. KIDS…

If you’re a parent, teacher, uncle, or aunt: your kids need you to coach them!


Once children reach a certain age, even more than correcting, cajoling, or even our all SO wise advice, right answers, and perspectives, kids need adults who can coach them.

Sadly, our kids often can’t help comparing themselves to their peers, celebrities, or even us. They may ask,

“Will I measure up to mom?”

“Will I measure up to dad?”

“Will I measure up to my teacher?”

  • Physically

  • Financially

  • Vocationally

  • Spiritually

Frankly, growing up, I secretly felt like I would never measure up to my dad.

Bob Caliguire, my father, grew from being a poor fatherless boy living at as a boarder in a church family's home to becoming CEO of a paper company in New York City. (Think Dunder Mifflin in downtown Manhattan!)

Dad played semi-pro baseball, gained an MBA on the GI Bill, dressed impeccably, sat on non-profit boards, owned three homes, and hardly missed one of my baseball or football games. He drove the latest model cars. He even led the worship at our church on Sundays.

Would I measure up to that?? In influence? business? financially? style? Even in being a great father? (Yes, I was incredibly blessed!)

Years ago, a wise person spoke to Mindy, my wife, and me about our sons. It may as well have been the voice of God (which I honestly feel like it may have been!).

Here’s what she said about our sons. “Your ceiling is their floor.”

Wow!! Think about that!? “Our ceiling is your floor!”

In other words, I believe YOU have what it takes to go beyond me!

We get to hand off to them the opportunity to go higher.... doing what God uniquely designed them to do.

Isn’t it what we most want for our kids, grandkids, and those we influence? We want more for them. A better life.

Mindy and I took those words to heart and started seeing that was true! Our kids have what it takes!

We’ve since shared those very words with our sons. “Our ceiling is your floor.” We could see something deep inside of them resonate. Free them. Encourage them.

We fully believe that! Not that they need to be just like us or do what we do… But their greatness in them is something special. We see gold in them.

As their “coach” you get to help them see their unique awesomeness. And at the right time, you may even share those words. “I want you to know:

“My ceiling is your floor!”

“You have what it takes!”

“You have my blessing to go way beyond me!”

“I will always be rooting for you!”

Imagine if that "coaching kids’ mindset" takes root in us as Teachers. Parents. Uncles Aunts. Pastors. Human beings!

"My ceiling is your floor!"

PS. Next week is the last week to join the Transformational Coaching Academy at 35% off the regular investment! I invite you to apply to do a complimentary session with me this month called "The Big Shift" to explore if this is for you. Here's the link:

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