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Why People Should Pay A Lot for Your Coaching

Why should people pay you a lot for your coaching?

Well... consider this fly.

A few years ago, I watched a little fly buzzing furiously against a picture window at our mountain house.

It was desperate to break through to the freedom it craved. From its perspective, working harder seemed like the answer.

But from my vantage point, the futility was clear. No amount of effort would get it through that glass.

What the fly didn’t see was the wide-open door just behind it—a direct path to what it wanted most.

Sound familiar?

Your clients and potential clients are often like that fly. They’re working harder, burning themselves out, and wondering why they’re still stuck.

How many of them are missing the open door that’s right behind them?

How many need someone to show them the faster, clearer path?

This is why your coaching is so valuable!!!!

You aren’t just a cheerleader for their effort. You help them see AND GO TO the open door

You provide clarity, direction, and the kind of breakthroughs that save them time, energy, and frustration.

Your coaching transforms their approach—and their results.

Here’s the challenge:

Can you fully realize the incredible value you bring as a coach?

Most coaches WAY undervalue their value. And they don't promote and practice the LESS EFFORT AND MORE EFFECTIVENESS way of life that God wants for us. "My burden is light."

The easy ways and open doors you help people discover are life-changing... finance-changing ... company changing.... legacy changing.

You don’t just help clients work smarter—you help them achieve their dreams, freedom, and fulfillment... AND That’s worth a lot.

So, own your value. Don’t undersell what you offer.

When you help someone move from buzzing against the glass to walking through the open door, you bring something priceless to their lives.

Keep being the guide that changes lives,

With you and for you,


P.S. The next time you doubt your value, think of that fly. You’re the person who opens the door to transformation—and that’s worth every penny.

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1 commentaire

John Sisto
John Sisto
05 déc. 2024

love the wonder of the fly analogy

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